Using 11 crystal singing bowls, and a gently guided meditation, the participant enters a state of relaxation, allowing balancing of the chakras (energy centers). “The pure tones of crystal bowls produce a vibrational sound field which resonates the light body energy centers (chakras) and corresponding physical areas."
A crystal bowl chakra opening with guided meditation begins the evening. We end with a single card reading using the Crystal Ally cards. In between there is talk, laughter and discussions of our life, our journey, and more!
A wonderfully warm group of caring people. No experience necessary. Come any week, or come every week. The carpet is comfortable to lay on, blankets and pillows are available.
A crystal bowl chakra opening with guided meditation begins the evening. We end with a single card reading using the Crystal Ally cards. In between there is talk, laughter and discussions of our life, our journey, and more!
A wonderfully warm group of caring people. No experience necessary. Come any week, or come every week. The carpet is comfortable to lay on, blankets and pillows are available.
Crystal Bowl Meditation
Shamanic Drum Journey
What magick, what mystery might be found in the heartbeat of the drum, the rhythmic shake of the rattle?
For ages drumbeat and percussion have been used in rites of passage and celebration; for spiritual and psychic healing; to induce trance; lower or raise blood pressure and bring about altered states of consciousness.
Following the path of the Buryat Mongolian Shamans, we journey to the rhythmic beat of the drum transporting us to the Underworld.
Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.
For ages drumbeat and percussion have been used in rites of passage and celebration; for spiritual and psychic healing; to induce trance; lower or raise blood pressure and bring about altered states of consciousness.
Following the path of the Buryat Mongolian Shamans, we journey to the rhythmic beat of the drum transporting us to the Underworld.
Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.
Events held at the Terra Amma Center

The Shamanic Flight of the Soul
The shamanic paradigm in our culture area is, in its basic concepts, shaped individualistically. There is a set of techniques, which however in their details are carried out differently by each practitioner. The various cultures focus on those techniques which in the respective contexts are the most adequate ones to guarantee survival. This can very well be observed in tuvinean shamanism: the individual shamans have certain cultural elements of their shamanic practice in common, but the respective manner of implementation is highly individualistic. The drum is often used as a trance-inducing instrument. Especially neo-shamanic circles frequently are literally possessed by drumming. Other instruments, like didgeridoos, rattles, rain makers, singing bowls and so on are used as well. The whole purpose of these instrument is to achieve the so-called "sensory deprivation", which facilitates the trance-journey in its proper sense. The choice of instruments also determines the basic frame of the journey and the way how the journey is experienced. The person who plays the instrument should at least know that the instrumentalist's intention is at least as important as the instrument itself. The intention affects the way the instrument is played, and through the music it is transferred to the shamanist journeying. Additionally, the instrument's role as the journey's delineation is important: no music - no (more) journey. In practice, it has proved to be worthwhile to agree upon a return signal, which is played after a predefined time span, and which tells the shamanists on their journey to return from sauntering in the twilight. The drum's rhythm and the shamanic chant sound undisturbed again and form a bridge between reality and otherworld.
Copyright information: The Flight of the Condor – Contemporary Shamanism
The shamanic paradigm in our culture area is, in its basic concepts, shaped individualistically. There is a set of techniques, which however in their details are carried out differently by each practitioner. The various cultures focus on those techniques which in the respective contexts are the most adequate ones to guarantee survival. This can very well be observed in tuvinean shamanism: the individual shamans have certain cultural elements of their shamanic practice in common, but the respective manner of implementation is highly individualistic. The drum is often used as a trance-inducing instrument. Especially neo-shamanic circles frequently are literally possessed by drumming. Other instruments, like didgeridoos, rattles, rain makers, singing bowls and so on are used as well. The whole purpose of these instrument is to achieve the so-called "sensory deprivation", which facilitates the trance-journey in its proper sense. The choice of instruments also determines the basic frame of the journey and the way how the journey is experienced. The person who plays the instrument should at least know that the instrumentalist's intention is at least as important as the instrument itself. The intention affects the way the instrument is played, and through the music it is transferred to the shamanist journeying. Additionally, the instrument's role as the journey's delineation is important: no music - no (more) journey. In practice, it has proved to be worthwhile to agree upon a return signal, which is played after a predefined time span, and which tells the shamanists on their journey to return from sauntering in the twilight. The drum's rhythm and the shamanic chant sound undisturbed again and form a bridge between reality and otherworld.
Copyright information: The Flight of the Condor – Contemporary Shamanism